About the instrument
DEAL is a grant for the launch of new programs to support startups up to 200k TND. DEAL will be granted to new programs that meet the eligibility criteria below and that justify an added value to the startups through the expertise provided, the chosen positioning or access to opportunities offered to all Tunisian startup founders taking into account gender or regional inclusion.
DEAL covers expenses for the purchase of goods and services from non-consultant and consultant services carried out in accordance with agreed procedures. The duration of the projects to be subsidized is 18 months maximum, which can be extended once by 6 months maximum in case of request of the beneficiary.
An SSO launching a new program: The program the SSO is applying with has never been launched before (brand, content, value proposition, etc.)
Private startup support structures
The program must cover a period of at least 3 months
The program is composed of a complete curriculum aimed at the proper support of startups
Projected impact: Minimum of 10 projects supported per year
Repeatable over time: The program is not just an edition and has a perennial vision.
- The added value of the program (0-5)
- The founding team and the skills of the Program Manager (0-5)
- The effort to connect the structure with other actors in the local or international ecosystem (0-5)
- Potential sustainability of the program (beyond DEAL) (0-5)
- Potential impact and key performance indicators (0-5)
- Bonus point: Programs will be encouraged that ensure a good inclusion of different targets (women startups (+1) and startup founders from the regions (+1).
Documents needed for your DEAL application :
- An Excel document detailing the curriculum of your coaching program
- A Pitch video in English or French
- A presentation of your program: Pitch Deck
- An Excel document of your business plan
- Reference letter(s): from a supported startup, a funder, a partner or any other reference supporting your impact.
A simple and fully online process
These steps ensure maximum transparency as well as an accurate and fair evaluation of all files received
Call for Application
The opening of applications on the portal
Round 1
Verification of eligibility criteria and completion by the program management team
Round 2
Scoring of applications by the selection committee
Round 3
Vote and deliberation following the pitch session by the selection committee
Communication of results
The announcement of the results is expected 3 months after the application