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About the instrument
AIR compensates for the lack of equity and the scarcity of business angels funds for the very early stage development of startups.
This instrument, which amounts to TND 30,000, is composed of 60% subsidy and 40% repayable advance.
The repayment of AIR, free of charge, without interest and without equity investment, is only due in case of effective growth of the supported startup. Success is measured by the realization of a seed fundraising (5x the amount of AIR) or the realization of a cash flow favorable to the repayment (5X the amount of AIR).
This is a grant that will be awarded to projects with high innovation and scalability potential, covers activities and expenses for the purchase of goods and services (other than consulting services) carried out in accordance with agreed procedures for one of the following activities:
- Proof-of-concept development, the first version of the technology solution
- Prototyping: to take a product from the laboratory to a product that can meet a market need
- Market Assessment: Understanding the potential market for a technical product from a research organization
- The startup is an existing legal entity in accordance with Tunisian law
- The startup must not have any ongoing AIR support
- The age of the startup must be less than 1 year, at the time of application
- The startup must have an experienced team dedicated to this project
- The startup must be at the stage of development of the POC with technological and innovative character and have a strong growth potential
- The startup is participating in a POC development program led by an SSO (highly appreciated)
- Innovation and scalability potential of the proposed project (0-5)
- Market attractiveness of the startup (0-5)
- The market-fit potential of the proposed solution (0-5)
- Deliverability of the team (0-5)
- Feasibility of the PoC (0 -5)
- Alignment with the objective of this RIA support instrument (0-5)
- Bonus point: Startups founded by a woman (+1) or originating from and operating in a disadvantaged interior region (+1) will be encouraged
Les éléments nécessaires à votre candidature AIR
- Un extrait du registre de commerce de la société, datant de moins de 3 mois.
- Une vidéo de Pitch en Français ou en Anglais de 3 minutes
- Une présentation de votre startup : Pitch Deck
- Une vidéo démonstrative de votre solution / Produit en Anglais ou en Français. (optionnelle) de 3minutes.
- Un document Excel d’estimation du budget/coût total pour le développement de votre PoC, et optionnellement les documents justificatifs.
A simple and fully online process
These steps ensure maximum transparency as well as an accurate and fair evaluation of all files received
Call for Application
The opening of applications on the portal
Round 1
Verification of eligibility criteria and completion by the program management team
Round 2
Scoring of applications by the selection committee
Round 3
Vote and deliberation following the pitch session by the selection committee
Communication of results
The announcement of the results is expected 3 months after the application
AIR Beneficiaries
Name | Session | Sector | Description | Location | Creation Year | Founders | Website |
AIR² is a support between 150 000 and 200 000 TND for startups having raised seed funds and working for a scale up and a Series A fund raising.