Tuesday, March 23 will forever mark a major turning point for the innovation ecosystem in Tunisia. It was the day of the official launch of the projects "Startups and Innovative SMEs" and "Flywheel", two funding mechanisms and support for startups and beating heart of the program Startup Tunisia.
The launch ceremony took place at the Ennejma Ezzahra Palace in Sidi Bou Said, in the presence of the Minister of Technology and Communication, Fadhel Kraiem, His Excellency the German Ambassador to Tunisia Peter Prügel, the head of operations for Tunisia at the World Bank, Tony Verheijen, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Smart Capital, Samir Saied, and the Director General of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
To relive the Live of this event, follow the video below:
Startup Tunisia: The Fund of Funds' launch event

23 March 2021
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